Thursday, 17 September 2015

LIIAR Analysis: Unicorn Advert

  • The main focal point of this advert is the Unicorns nose/muzzle, it draws the attention to the mint.
  • It also shows, a seen to be, woman holding and giving the mint to the Unicorn. It is shown that it is a woman as it has used long, black sleeved gloves holding the mint.
  • The pack shot of the packet of 'Extra Strong Mints' is centred at the bottom of the advert, and draws the eye in as it is the only part of the advert that makes use of strong colours and will be the first thing people spot.
  • It also uses a white background to show purity and adds an element of fantasy which helps with the mythical creature.
  • The advert is for trebor mints and is shown quite clearly.
  • They have used a white background which might not seem to be an obvious choice against the white Unicorn. However, the white emphasises the theme of purity and helps add a element of fantasy to the image which also helps with the mythical Unicorn.
  • The advert also has some text on the advert which says 'Share with the very discerning' and 'Sweet Success' this helps give the feeling of how successful the trebor mints are and that everyone loves having them nd that people should share with others.
  • The audience for this advert is mainly for people who like the mints.
  • It also shows a mythical creature that is a beautiful Unicorn and is shown for people to buy it and ahve an intrest in it by looking at what the Unicorn is doing.
  • The framing of the scene means that the audience/viewer can not see who the arm belongs too howver because of how the arm is dressed it is shown quite clearly tht the arm is female.
  • The audience will notice the mint packet straight away as it is the only part of the advert that is in colour.
  • The way the hand is portrayed in this advert is sure to be a woman as she is wearing long, black evening sleeved gloves with shining, silver jewllerey on hich makes the women seem very wealthy, also this is featured to emphasizethe qulity of the mint.

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