Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My media product fits the stereotypes of a reggae music magazine because it is directed towards reggae fans mainly male at any age (who are interested). Also it demographically fits the working class groups at the price of £2.99 meaning my magazine is affordable for the group it is targeting towards. Also its monthly so this means its more likely to be bought by a range of people and again its still affordable.

My product represents particular social groups by the use of the reader profile by the use of statistics such as the percentage of males being higher than females so its made to represent more for males as they are more likely to read/buy the product. Also its made to represent the reggae fans any gender/age as they are more likely to purchase the magazine so all the things included like the winning tickets are fitted around that genre and age as that's what they are going to be interested in.
My Questionnaire:

The types of bands/artists I have chosen to use to help represent particular social groups, for example, I included the band 'Jah Roots' because they are a one of the biggest reggae bands whos mass audience is mainly males and the reggae loving fans. So they are fitted well for my media product and also an icon for the reggae genre relating to my genre for my product.

The plug for the winning tickets for the little competition helps represent a particular social group as it is targeted towards my target audience. The competition used are so the related social group I am representing can relate to them and be interested to win the tickets.

I also dressed my model in clothes that are definitely related to the social groups of reggae as my model is wearing a Bob Marley T-shirt and this is also then mentioned on the double page spread as Bob Marley was an inspiration.

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